Monday, April 4, 2011

SFAS Recap: Style Diagnostic

Wowsers, this part was wayyyyyy different after all that editing.

Hold on. Stop blogging. Reality TV is edited??? It isn't 100% real? Whaaaaaaaaaat? Ha. Yeah.

First, she asks us the questions and we answer. Then, the second unit (secondary camera that is a little less important than the main one) takes close ups of us pointing to things and holding things up. Even though we're pointing and holding while we talk, we do all the pointing and holding a second time so they can get close-ups of everything.

Let's talk sweaters.

During this clip, you hear me say, "I like this one" and you see me holding up this sweater, but you don't see me talking and holding it up in the same frame. Then you hear Emily say, "Why do you like it?" and I reply, "I like the color," but you don't see our faces, just me from my chest down holding the sweater. I actually hated this sweater. I picked a royal blue one (hence the whole color comment - why would I say I like that oatmeal color?) with pearl buttons. BUT, Emily thought I was going to pick this one, so they edited it to make it seem like I did. Those tricksters...

I actually liked one of the men's sweaters the best. It was grey with white stripes. Very clean and minimal and cool. I pulled that one out at one point, but they didn't show it.

They also cut out a question she asked us about what hotel we'd most like to stay in and why. I didn't answer that one how she expected either, which explains why they cut it.

Here we are when she said that my husband's style was "Mantique Minimalism" hahahahaha...

The sad part about this was that when she first said it, we all laughed hysterically, then they had to stop us because her mic had fallen down under her dress and they couldn't hear anything she'd said. We had to re-do the whole thing and it wasn't as funny the second time around.

Oh, also, the house where we filmed this was this amazing place in the Hollywood Hills with breath-taking views, but the AC didn't work very well and it was probably 115 degrees in that room with those lights on us. It was HOT. I kept asking if my face was red (those of you who know me know my face gets red very easily), but I'm happy to say it looked fine on TV. Whew. Crisis averted.

Did you miss something?
SFAS Recap: Before
SFAS Recap: Here we go...

Stay tuned for my recap of the first reveal!!


ALICE IN DESIGNLAND said... [Reply to comment]

So interesting to get the behind the scenes scoop.

Brynn Hutchison said... [Reply to comment]

I was wondering about the choice of sweater/color comment. Very interesting!

Andy said... [Reply to comment]

OMG, that sucks about the sweater. I totally thought you picked it and I was like, hmm I guess I could see that sorta. But didn't think it was you. Weird!!!

Andy said... [Reply to comment]

This is Michelle. I'm too lazy to log in as me.

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