Friday, June 4, 2010


I live in LA near the 101 freeway. This is the fwy we take to go anywhere that isn't in our local neighborhood. I try to think about how much of my life is spent on the 101 every year... I would guess I spend about 5-6 hours on it every week and that is kind of depressing.

A few months ago I noticed something different on my drive home from work. On the side of the freeway, where plants go to die and vandals go to tag, there was a beautiful mural... made of FLOWERS. 

This is the third design I've seen in this spot since they began. Each one depicts a Toyota Prius driving with a different background and the whole this is made of living, growing flowers.

This one is on the side of the freeway in Pasadena. Isn't it amazing?

These are some other designs that I hope will be blooming near us soon!

You would think this would be extremely wasteful of both water and flowers. They change out the designs well before the flowers are dead. However, this project is really quite green! 

From a PRESS RELEASE: Toyota Prius 'Harmony Floralscapes' Blooming Along Los Angeles Freeways
"The Floralscapes are created from organic and reusable materials and are maintained using ecologically friendly techniques, including the utilization of non-potable water, solar electricity and ecologically responsible insect and fungi control. California-based businesses are contracted to install and maintain the Floralscapes. The non-profit Los Angeles Conservation Corps, which provides training, education and work experience to at-risk young adults and school-aged youth, will maintain the areas surrounding the Floralscapes."

Great advertising, right? Well, according to The Novato Advance, "The federal Highway Beautification Act doesn’t allow corporate names or logos in an interstate highway’s right of way." Since there is no name or logo, it isn't considered advertising, so it is legal.

I think this is wonderful, not only for my boring drive home, but for the planet and for our community. I hope other companies are watching and taking notes. I want to see these all over the freeways!


katherinebee said... [Reply to comment]

I saw those last time I visited - Loved the florals while you're waiting in snail speed traffic. Just a little sunshine during your drive!

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