Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Best Gift

Christmas Eve was my favorite part about the holidays this year. My little brother sang at church and was adorable (even though we couldn't see him up in the balcony). After church, we went out to dinner at PF Changs where my mom gave me a gift. I saw the shape of the present and thought it must have been a Christmas book or a photo album to put my Christmas pictures in. I never imagined that it could be this:

She scanned and uploaded Christmas pictures from my childhood and made a book on Shutterfly!

She included pictures of me and my best friend Celeste (who died a little over four years ago) and our many Christmases spent together.

My first Madame Alexander doll from my Aunt Mary (who also married me and my husband). On Santa's lap with my Aunt Kerry, or Kiwi as I used to call her.

Our family stockings are the ones on the left. Everyone in our family has one with his or her name knitted into the top.

There were several pictures of my grandmother, whose birthday is coming up soon. We are planning our annual trip to the butterfly park in a few weeks!

My husband and I during one of our first Christmases together.

And last year when I got Apples to Apples!

This gift was definitely one of my favorites this year. It's strange, but as close as my mom and I are, sometimes I don't feel that deep mommy-love from her anymore. I guess as you get older your relationships with your parents change, but this book definitely made me feel it again.

Thanks Mom. Love you.


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This is wonderful. My mom is very creative and the best presents she gives Rhea and I every year are the ones she makes! Mom's are awesome!

Michelle said... [Reply to comment]

What an awesome gift!!!!!!!! :) My sister made a book like this for Carter's first year that I have yet to post about and I cried when I opened it. Such a good idea!!!

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