Sunday, February 27, 2011

SFAS Premiere!

Last night, we set our DVR to record the first episode of Secrets from a Stylist on HGTV and headed out to celebrate. We started off the night at our favorite happy hour place: Flemings. It was packed and we had to hover over a table for 45 minutes before they finally left and we sat down. We had my favorite appetizers: beef carpaccio (thinly sliced raw beef with capers and some sort of sauce that you pile on top of cheesy toast), fried calamari with a sweet bell pepper sauce, and seared ahi with spicy mustard. I had a clear cosmo and then switched to water so I could drive to Hollywood for the party.

I really wish we had taken a picture of the two of us because we looked pretty cute. I wore a new dress that I scored at Banana Republic outlet for $20. It was originally $80! I had on my 81 cent tights and $40 patent leather pumps. It was a bargain outfit for sure. My husband had on my favorite outfit: white dress shirt, plaid tie, and black sweater with slim jeans and shiny shoes (well, not really shiny, but nice black dress shoes). It was so fun to get all dressed up and go out. We rarely do that!

After paying way too much for parking in Hollywood and walking a few blocks in the FREEZING cold (too bad it didn't snow), we got to the party at Hemingway's.

The decor of this place is pretty cool. The walls are covered in books and typewriters. I think I want an antique typewriter for the office...

Emily gave a little speech and thanked her crew and the homeowners (that's us!). She is in the very back of this picture, but it is hard to see.

You can see her better here.

This is the face I made most of the night. I was having a lot of fun. I got to drink and my husband switched to water so he could drive home. I'm hurting this morning.

Emily was kind enough to pose for a picture with me. Sometimes I think I annoy her and other times she makes me feel like we're friends. I'd like to believe the latter.

See that guy in the background with the long hair who is talking with his hands? That's Ian Brennan, co-creator of Glee!! Emily is friends with him and she styled his house for her SFAS special. My husband helped me say hi to him since I'm so shy. He was super nice. We also talked to who we thought was the editor (he was behind us while we were waiting to be let in my the dude with the clipboard and said he knew us because he just finished cutting our episode), but we found out that he is actually the owner of the production company, Tricon Films. He was also really nice.

We just watched episode #1 and it was awesome!! It is so scary to think that we'll be watching our own episode soon. I'm terrified. The biggest surprise for us was that they used the couple's application video on the show. When we applied, the casting people said that they wouldn't be using the video for the show, but it looks like they are going to! Eeek!! I'm so nervous to see how it all comes together.

Be sure to set your DVRs to record the whole series of Secrets from a Stylist on HGTV! We're episode #6 which should air on April 2nd unless they skip a week, but watch all the episode because they will all be awesome.


Emily Henderson said... [Reply to comment]

Its' the latter. and you are hilarious. you NEVER annoy me, i'm just generally adjusting to being too busy to email people back. i'll get better. thanks so much for coming. you guys are awesome and i can't wait for your episode. i did the voiceover the other day and Jameel told me that they are keeping in and playing out the awkward first look reaction, which is great. so hungover.xo

Andy said... [Reply to comment]

How neat!!! I'm so excited to see your episode.

Andy said... [Reply to comment]

This is Michelle, btw. I am too lazy to log in as myself. Haha.

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