Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Guest Contributor at Spearmint Baby!

I am SO excited to tell you that I have a new guest post over at Spearmint Baby!!!

I've been following Shari's blog for a while now and fell in love with all of the nursery inspiration, but now she features birthday parties, baby bumps, birth stories, and adorable pictures of little ones.

I emailed her last week asking if she would be interested in me contributing our story of trying to conceive and after writing the first post, she said I can be featured weekly! What a great opportunity!

Please check out my post HERE and comment on it! It would mean the world to me.

Here's a sneak peak...

I've know that I wanted to be a mother forever. I chose a career that allows me to be home in the afternoons and on weekends as well as all the usual school breaks like summer and winter, not because I want a bunch of time off (don't get me wrong, that is awesome), but because I want to be home with my (future) children as much as possible. My mom, as a single parent, worked very long hours and most holidays when I was a kid and I hated it. I always wanted to have one of those moms who baked cookies for my after school snacks and chaperoned on field trips. My mom did an amazing job and was always there for me, but I always wanted more. So, I made a conscious decision to chose a career path that would allow me to be with my kids as much as possible, short of not working at all (or working from home, which I'd love to do one day).

We are so totally 80s!


Amy said... [Reply to comment]

So exciting! I love Spearmint Baby and can't wait to read your posts over there!

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