Friday, November 25, 2011

21 weeks

Big week!  We know the sex of the baby! Eeeek!

Another big milestone this week was that I got my first "when are you due?" from a total stranger! It was the cashier at Starbucks and when I told her she was the first stranger to say something, she said the decaf coffee gave it away for her, in addition to my bump. She also has a five month old, so she knows what to look for. I've always thought it would be hilarious to deny it when a stranger asks, but I'm not that mean or quick-thinking. It did make me feel happy all day, though. I would shout it from the rooftops if it wasn't highly inappropriate.

Each week, I think my skin is getting better and then I get another zit. It's definitely not as bad as it was right before I got pregnant, but it's not as good as it was when I was on the pill. I'm a picker, so I have a hard time letting my blemishes heal and they usually stick around a lot longer than they should. Shame on me.

I'm wearing my new favorite outfit in my photos this week. The top and pants are both from Old Navy (the sleeves on the shirt are the same length, one was just pushed up in the photo) and it's so cute and comfy. I can wear it with boots or flats (I chose flats for the photo because I wore boots last week, but it was raining today so I changed into boots after) and I think this top will even be cute post baby.

I had my first pee emergency at work the other day. I forgot to go to the bathroom at lunch, which means I had two hours of teaching until the end of the day. Then, during my last class of the day, I felt like I had to pee, but that I could hold it, until the baby started tap dancing on my bladder. Sometimes I'll be totally fine, just peed 10 minutes ago, and a couple kicks to my bladder will send me straight back to the bathroom. Well, it was so bad this time that I had to send a student to find a teacher who didn't have a class that period to come and watch my students while I went to the bathroom. The kids thought it was hilarious and it totally stressed me out. I can't let that happen again!

Hungry hungry hungry! Always! I'm trying to be good about what I eat, but it's hard. Oreos are yummy. So is In n Out.

I hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving!!


Angela said... [Reply to comment]

Can't wait to find out if I'm right about the gender! I LOVE the look of your outfit this week! So cute!


turtle girl said... [Reply to comment]

Dying to find out the sex of the baby! Can't wait till Monday's post :)

Cameron said... [Reply to comment]

OMG next time somebody says something you should be like "EXCUSE ME?!!?!? I'll have you know that i have a thyroid condition" or something. would be awwwwwesome.

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